For once. I had never thought I'd be setting foot again so soon in this old town on the east coast of the island. It felt weird being back - although there had certanly been some changes in the town and the friends, the sky, ocean, clouds, rains, greens, waves, flowers, and the air seemed like exactly what they had always been when I lived there. Or so I felt.
I spent several days on the Big Island, followed by an overnight stay in Honolulu before coming back to Tokyo. While I didn't do too much sight-seeing, I do have some pictures like those shown above for sharing, which I'll put one by one in my yet-small inventory of Hawaii photos on Flickr (you can view some of them in the Flicker badge that appears in the left hand-side column of this page). On the contrary, I may not post about food from this particular trip, as I don't have many food photos this time - we'll see.
Back in Tokyo, it's rainy and cold, especially it feels that way after a stay in Hawaii. I am hoping to make another trip to a warmer place before it can finally get warm in here - till then, I'll have to put up with this weather, thinking of the lovely days I had in Hawaii.
hallo and welcome back! stay warm and toasty!
Posted by santos.
I love your photographs, especially the food shots.
I found your blog while looking for a scone recipe, believe it or not.
My husband and I will be taking a trip to Japan this summer, taking our 7 and 9 year old happa girls for the first time.
They are convinced they will somehow meet up with their idols, PuffyAmiYumi, and that the streets are lined with MewMewPower characters. I don't have the heart to tell them otherwise.
Posted by sweatpantsmom
We have almost the same picture! :)
I know how you feel. I went back to Hawaii for winter break, but now I'm freezing my nose off on the mainland. Glad you had a chance to go back, though. I thought all your Hawaii posts would be over :(
Posted by Embla
I really love your blog. I was also wondering what kind of camera you use. Your pictures are wonderful.
Posted by Audrey
Hi there, thanks for your comments :)
sweatpantsmom - oh I really hope your girls won't be very disappointed to find out that Japan isn't like what they have imagined to be :o
Embla - falling coconut warnings, right? :)
Audrey - thanks, I use Nikon D70.
Posted by chika
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