Gotten up late, still half-sleeping, I took a grapefruit out of the fridge, cut it in halves, sprinkled with cassonade (a kind of brown sugar), and slipped it under broiler, watching the sugar melting and bubbling for a few minutes.
It was a nice and cool, slightly hazy sunday morning that I woke up to. I didn't get to see the sun, but I had one on my table.
When I first saw a thing called broiled grapefruit in a Japanese cookbook on American sweets a long time ago, I thought it nonsense to cook a fruit that is perfect eaten fresh. Many years later, I have come to have a bit different views to things, and now I actually think it not so bad to give it a little change.
The only disappointment I had this morning was that the surface of my grapefruit halves wasn't caramelized like it was supposed to; I figured it out after having finished my portion that I had been supposed to put sugar and butter on top to make pretty caramel. I know I should be double-checking these things before starting making something, but hey, I was only half-awake. And my grapefruit tasted good, anyways.
You have a good weekend, and a wonderful week to come, too.
Like always, your pictures make food look so delicious. I love your photographs. They are stylish, warm and make the world around us really beautiful.
Posted by Mumu
Hi Chika,
Broiled grapefruit huh? I've never tried it. I wonder how broiled pomelo would be. I have a couple of them from a friend at work so I think I'm going to try this.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend too!
Posted by Reid
This looks amzingly good. I think im gonna have a try tomorrow morning.
By the way i love the last picture.
Posted by fanny
Looks great chika :)
Would be easy with a blow torch!mmm
such a pretty red grapefruit too!
Posted by clare eats
Oh, my! Your grapefruit looks lovely, Chika-san. The color's just perfect even if you didn't broil it with a bit of butter.
Posted by Midge
This looks divine. Love the idea of tang with a nice caramelised crunch.... mmmmm. I am going to try it very soon :)
Posted by saffron
hellu ther chika!stumbled upon yur blog frm a friends blog.I must say i luv reading bout the way u describe yur food & yur experiences overseas.I am an avid foodie blog reader.Luv reading bout food any kind of FOOD!I'm from singapore btw..would luv to link up with u & share some of my cultural food experiences here..aniwae its been nice comin here..hope to hear frm u soon..
Posted by shireen
I had this once at a B & B in vermont.
was delciious. Tried it at home once. it is messy to eat in company but otherwise terrific!
Posted by tilo
Hi there, thanks alot for dropping by!
clare, that was exactly what was on my mind. If only I had one!
Posted by chika
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