Thankfully, during my two-week stay in town, the weather stayed quite mild for that time of the year - it even went up to almost 70F one of my last days there in early November, warm enough to eat our lunch on the patio.
Although, we did have one snow storm in late October that left Boulder with some 6-inch snow, which quickly melt within a few days. That particular time, though, I was on the road out of Bouolder, experiencing some of the most impressive nature that the state has to offer - endless mountains at eye level and countless stars up in the sky. And a lot of snow, too.
After two years, Boulder and the people I know there both seemed as fabulous as how I remember they used to be. I had chances to take a small hikes, join family events, and eat in and out my way... all too good to be true now looking back. A few months ago, I didn't even know I'd make it back there so soon, if at all... so for me, it was a gift. Thanks everyone, I hope see you all again... sometime.
Having flown out of Colorado, and with travelog on my Vancouver stay still pending, I am now back on the West Coast - not of Canada this time. Down south, a sunny big city with a lot of "stars" - on the ground.
I lived, and my daughter was born, in Boulder in 1988. It is so beautiful and open-skyed, isn't it?
It wasn't where I was meant to be, though: we lasted less than a year.
Enjoy Los Angeles, if you can. (It would be difficult for me, I confess.)
: D
Posted by Tana
Ah, Boulder. Love that town. I lived there in what would have been my college days...but I dropped out before the term started. My daughter was born there too. Last time I was there, it wasn't so mild... it was 100+ degrees, and we were staying at a room in the top floor of the Boulderado! Not quite air conditioned.
I think if I ever decided to leave the city, I'd end up in Boulder again. Thanks for sharing your story!
Posted by L
Magnificient photos! Just out of curiosity, what camera do you use?
Posted by panidolce
Oh Boulder... our favorite place in the whole world... we used to live there... and is that the road to Flagstaff?
Posted by Cris
Ah Boulder, indeed. I live here. I cook here. I eat here. I blog from here. "They" might carry me, stiff and cold, out of here in a box -- sometime in the future -- happy to have spent years here.
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